About Us

Your sacred journey to self-discovery, inner harmony, We are dedicated to guiding you on a transformative spiritual retreat that nurtures your soul and reconnects you with the essence of life.

Our Vision

At Spiritual Soul Healing Ubud Bali, our vision is to create a haven of tranquility where individuals can embark on a profound inward journey, exploring the realms of spirituality, self-awareness, and holistic healing. We believe in the power of nature, ancient wisdom, and mindfulness practices to bring about profound transformation and inner peace.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a sacred space where seekers from all walks of life can come together to rejuvenate their spirits, balance their energies, and delve deep into their consciousness. We strive to offer authentic spiritual experiences, guided by experienced practitioners and healers who are committed to assisting you in unlocking your true potential.

We offer you :

  1. Palm reading
    Able to knowing your best potential
    Palm Reading means” reading of character and divination of the future by interpretation of lines and undulations on the palm of the hand. Advantage of palm reading is we will know our character from line and undulation palm, good or bad attitude, fortune day, bad luck, soul mate, generation and occupation that suitable for us. This method will combine with birth date based on Balinese solar and lunar Calender.
  2. Open aura and balancing cakras
    Open positive aura and balancing all the seven chakras
    Aura is a radiant energi around the human body that forms an electromagnetic field. The nature of the aura is always changing in the body, sometimes the aura emitted is weak, sometimes it is also strong. Changes in energy strength of the aura are influenced by emotional factors as well as internal factors in the body. You need to know, there are many benefit from emitting a strong aura. Among them are changing lives for the better, more successful, happy, healthy and peaceful.
  3. Trauma healing theraphy
    Healing using quantum energy and hypnosis method
    SPIRITUAL SOUL HEALING UBUD BALI using quantum energi hypnosis method or hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy works by entering a person’s subconscious then giving certain suggestions to help the healing process. There are many assumptions about the use of hypnotherapy, but in the medical world, hypnotherapy can used as an alternative or additional therapy to treat certain health problems or complaints. The hypnotic state is much like meditation or when one’s mind is completely absorbed while watching a movie or listening to music. In this state, patients can direct their attention inwardly to help them make changers or certain memories in their lives. Hypnotherapy is used as part of a treatment plan for phobias, improving sleep, learning, communication disorders, relationship problems and other anxiety disorders. This therapy can also be used to manage pain, lose weight, stop smoking, sexual dysfunction, relax more, reduce stress and anxiety and help relieve pain.
  4. Purification ceremony or “melukat”
    Purification and cleansing body and soul by nature with holy water blessing
    Like the body and mind, the soul can also dirty and polluted. Every thought, word and deed that we do directly affects the state of the soul, it’s purity and cleanliness. Likewise, when there are influences from outside, it can also affect the state of the soul. Analogy like the body, even we are not doing activities, the body still gets dirt, dust and germs, as well as the soul. So it’s obligatory to cleanse the body and soul with natural energi regularly. One way that is believed by Balinese people is Melukat (purification ceremony). Melukat comes from the word “su” which is mean “good” and “lukat” which is mean “purification”. So literally melukat means self-purification in order to be good, in case body and soul purification. Hindus in Bali perform the melukat ceremony with holy water to obtain wellness, goodness and cleanse the soul from negative things such as nightmare, illness, anxiety, burdens on the mind and so on.

Our Commitment

At Spiritual Soul Healing Ubud Bali, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment that respects diverse beliefs and backgrounds. We honor the traditions of the Balinese culture while embracing a universal approach to spirituality. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your journey is both enriching and transformative.

Join Us

Embark on a soul-stirring expedition with us and uncover the depths of your inner world. Discover the transformative power of spirituality, healing, and self-discovery amidst the serene beauty of Ubud. Join us at Spiritual Soul Healing Ubud Bali and let your journey of awakening begin.

Connect with us today to learn more about our retreats, workshops, and holistic healing offerings. We look forward to accompanying you on your path to spiritual growth and well-being.