Palm Reading


What does palm reading tells you?

  • Determine your innate character or get a better self-understanding of your wants and needs
  • Past and existing health conditions or health status and what future events may lead to significant changes in your health
  • Your wealth, this being not limited to money but also other aspects that can be considered your possession
  • Career status and career direction with possible career advice as well
  • Business conditions and possible business opportunities
  • Relationships like romantic partners, marriage health, and important connections
  • Children or relatives, this not being limited to direct descendants but also other degrees of familial relations

Able to knowing your best potential

Palm Reading means” reading of character and divination of the future by interpretation of lines and undulations on the palm of the hand. Advantage of palm reading is we will know our character from line and undulation palm, good or bad attitude, fortune day, bad luck, soul mate, generation and occupation that suitable for us. This method will combine with birth date based on Balinese solar and lunar Calender.

Price :

  • IDR 555.000 (USD 36)
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